mike roberts

Here is the story of Mike Roberts. If you read my bio you will understand that I used to work for legendry Matt Sterling, and for a wile I was in charge of finding models as the talent scout. I met this kid named Mike Roberts, an Ex Marine and we became very good friends. Before he started in porn films, he did his fist video for me. Being a straight guy, I wanted to see what he was willing to do on camera, so I decided one weekend to go to my friend's house in Palm Springs, California and see what we could get out of him on film. This was actually when I first thought about starting Bang Bang Boys. I put an ad in the paper looking for models to work with Mike, and found 2 amateur guys to help me out - Corbin Michaels and Caleb Carter. I end up shooting 2 videos and they turned out ok, but I wasn't very happy with it. The camera guy I hired was very bad and ended up fucking the videos, so I decided not to release them till about a month ago when my friend Chris Ward looked at the video and told me to edit it and release it. So I did and I think you will enjoy Mike with his amazing physique and big uncut cock. Yum!

Age - 28
Height - 5' 10"
Race - white
Dick size - 9" thick
Straight Top

Latest updates for Mike Roberts

Mike and Corbin

Mike Roberts

Mike Roberts fucks Caleb Carter

Caleb Carter and Mike Roberts

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